Giant Robots Smashing Into Other Giant Robots

About the show

A podcast about the design, development, and business of great software. Each week thoughtbot is joined by the people who build and nurture the products we love.


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    Sales - Teikametrics

    June 22nd, 2020  |  Season 9  |  47 mins 43 secs

    Chad and Lindsey talk with Alasdair McLean-Foreman, CEO & Founder of Teikametrics, about product-led direct-to-consumer as the future of sales, capturing multiple market segments, and sales structure within Teikametrics.

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    June 15th, 2020  |  Season 9  |  35 mins 18 secs

    Chad and Lindsey discuss thoughtbot's ideology around sales, the sales process & cycle, identifying your ideal customers, and fostering real relationships with customers.

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    367: Securing Opportunity (Shelly Bell)

    June 8th, 2020  |  Season 9  |  37 mins 56 secs

    We’re pushing out our next episode in the Giant Robots startup series. We want to pause to acknowledge, reflect, and take action against injustices against the black community.

    thoughtbot stands with the black community. We’re outraged by the systematic racism and violence in the US. George Floyd, Tony McDade, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Eric Garner, Trayvon Martin, and too many other members of the black community have lost their lives due to racial injustice. It needs to end.

    We recognize we haven’t been doing enough to fight this injustice and need to be active in anti-racism. Our D&I council and many others on the thoughtbot team are discussing how we can do more and are working on new initiatives to better support our black colleagues, friends, and beyond - far into the future.

    We're looking to do things both large and small. For example, this week we changed our conference reimbursement benefit to only be applicable to conferences that have a diverse speaker lineup and a code of conduct. We hope our efforts will be useful to others as well, and plan to make them available to other companies to work from. In the meantime, we’re going to link to a reading list that we recommend.

    Today we’re resharing a past episode that features a black voice in the tech community that we look up to and you should know - Shelly Bell. Shelly is the founder of Black Girl Ventures, an organization that creates access to social and financial capital for Black and Brown women founders. She’s been named in the Top 100 Power Women by Entrepreneur Magazine and has a fantastic story you don’t want to miss.

    Stay safe and see you soon.

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    Communication & Collaboration - Nurse-1-1

    June 1st, 2020  |  Season 9  |  41 mins 47 secs

    Chad and Lindsey are joined by Michael Sheeley, founder & CEO of Nurse-1-1, to discuss feeling disconnected from the team during quarantine, evaluating for communication skills during the interview process, how communication standards differ in the medical field, and avoiding AI & automation within patient conversations.

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    Communication & Collaboration- ShearShare

    May 25th, 2020  |  Season 9  |  49 mins 33 secs

    Chad and Lindsey talk with Courtney & Tye Caldwell, Co-founders of ShearShare, about being founded as remote company, their communication tools and methodologies, interview process, and messaging implementation.

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    Communication & Collaboration - Teikametrics

    May 18th, 2020  |  Season 9  |  47 mins 2 secs

    Chad and Lindsey talk with Alasdair McLean-Foreman, CEO & Founder of Teikametrics, about Teikametrics' guiding principles, Zoom fatigue, rethinking stances on remote work, the value of a peer group, and how retail is adapting during Covid-19.

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    Communication & Collaboration

    May 11th, 2020  |  Season 9  |  39 mins 23 secs

    Chad and Lindsey discuss thoughtbot's methodology & tools for communication and collaboration, both in general and adapting them to a fully remote workplace, the pros and cons of this new environment, and approaching your work with optimism.

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    Product Roadmap - Nurse-1-1

    May 4th, 2020  |  Season 9  |  50 mins 32 secs

    Chad and Lindsey talk with Michael Sheeley, founder & CEO of Nurse-1-1, on learnings from their launch, challenges of building in the health-tech space, their approach to long-term planning, and the future of medicine in a post COVID-19 world.

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    Product Roadmap - ShearShare

    April 27th, 2020  |  Season 9  |  50 mins 44 secs

    Chad and Lindsey talk with Courtney & Tye Caldwell, Co-founders of ShearShare, about the history of the platform, how the beauty industry has been impacted by COVID-19, building yourself as a brand that people can trust, and how their product roadmap has adapted to the changing landscape.

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    Product Roadmap - Teikametrics

    April 20th, 2020  |  Season 9  |  50 mins 44 secs

    Chad and Lindsey talk with Alasdair McLean-Foreman, CEO & Founder of Teikametrics, about the history of the platform, staying focused on the needs of your customers, shifting product requirements to meet your ideal buyer-personas, and their newly-minted formal product roadmap.

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    Product Roadmaps

    April 6th, 2020  |  Season 9  |  41 mins 48 secs

    Chad and Lindsey discuss their experiences around, and the pros and cons of, product road maps.

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    Giant Robots v1

    March 30th, 2020  |  Season 9  |  18 mins 3 secs

    Chad and Lindsey announce Giant Robots' latest evolution as a long-form startup series, following three startups over the course of a year. Throughout the season we will celebrate the wins, learn from the setbacks, explore how they approach high-concept issues, and truly capture the arc of a year in the life of their startup!

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    357: Sustainable Growth Hacking (Anuj Adhiya)

    March 23rd, 2020  |  Season 8  |  50 mins 54 secs

    Anuj Adhiya, VP of Growth at Jamber, discusses 'growth' vs 'growth hacking', growing value through your north-star metric, A/B testing, and sustainability.

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    356: Start From the Beginning (Scott Miller)

    February 24th, 2020  |  Season 8  |  46 mins 39 secs

    Scott Miller, CEO of Dragon Innovation and co-founder of Bolt, discusses building out manufacturing from a prototype, sustainability & environmentalism, and working with thoughtbot to validate a software idea.

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    355: The New Hospitality (Maria Loughlin)

    February 17th, 2020  |  Season 8  |  35 mins 24 secs

    Maria Loughlin, VP of Engineering at Toast, discusses restaurants adaptation to new technology, her approach to building and supporting a team, and providing better business opportunities & education to their clients.

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    354: Securing Opportunity (Shelly Bell)

    February 10th, 2020  |  Season 8  |  36 mins 11 secs

    Shelly Bell, CEO & Founder of Black Girl Ventures, discusses working to open up your messaging, what makes for a good pitch, and the current state of the investment landscape.