Giant Robots Smashing Into Other Giant Robots
257: Mapping the World For Parents (Anne Halsall)
January 8th, 2018 | Season 7 | 42 mins 45 secs
Chad is joined by Anne Halsall, co-founder and Chief Product Officer of Winnie, discussing intention in branding, assumptions about features, balancing local and remote work, and quantifying growth.
256: Stay Hungry, Stay Learning (Hosted by Alan Wick)
December 18th, 2017 | Season 7 | 47 mins 35 secs
The tables are flipped and Chad is interviewed by Alan Wick, at our Playbook Launch Party, on the lessons learned from starting thoughtbot, company methodology, and looking towards the challenges & opportunities of the future.
255: Solving the Whole Problem (Maria Parker)
December 4th, 2017 | Season 7 | 41 mins 29 secs
Chad chats with Maria Parker, CEO of Cruzbike, about running your first Kickstarter, issues with scaling production, and the challenge of shifting public perceptions.
254: Product and Vision (Chris Savage & Brendan Schwartz)
November 20th, 2017 | Season 7 | 44 mins 13 secs
Chad talks with Chris & Brendan, co-founders of Wistia, about building/launching new products, hiring, and managing company identity & vision.
253: iPads For Camp (Aleen Simms)
November 3rd, 2017 | Season 7 | 27 mins 22 secs
Chad is joined by Aleen Simms, an organizer for App Camp For Girls, to discuss the importance and logistics of their new Indiegogo Campaign.
252: Strategic Foresight (Amy Webb)
October 24th, 2017 | Season 7 | 39 mins 57 secs
Chad is joined by Amy Webb, Professor at the Stern School of Business NYU and Founder & Quantitative Futurist at The Future Today Institute, to discuss distilling trends, incremental decision making, and the role of organizational management on the outcome of a company's future.
251: More Than Just Pretty Pictures (Jarrod Drysdale)
October 9th, 2017 | Season 7 | 40 mins 53 secs
Chad is joined by designer and author Jarrod Drysdale to discuss lessons learned from shutting down Cascade, writing about design, cultivating content for your audience, and design's evolving role within organizations.
250: The Internet of Payments (Anders Brownworth)
September 26th, 2017 | Season 7 | 35 mins 43 secs
Chad is joined by Anders Brownworth, Chief Evangelist at Circle, to discuss zero-cost transaction fees, cryptocurrency, and re-envisioning modern payment systems.
249: The Business of Buying (Thomas Smale)
September 12th, 2017 | Season 7 | 37 mins 12 secs
Chad is joined by Thomas Smale, founder of FE International to discuss valuations, selling SaaS businesses, and tips to make your product more attractive to potential buyers.
248: Crossing the Chasm (Geoffrey A. Moore)
August 28th, 2017 | Season 7 | 39 mins 32 secs
Chad is joined by author Geoffrey A. Moore to discuss the concepts in Crossing the Chasm and how they relate to scaling consulting.
247: The Developer’s Path (Laurie Young)
August 15th, 2017 | Season 7 | 35 mins 31 secs
Chad is joined by Laurie Young to discuss The Developer's Path, a panel discussion hosted at thoughtbot London on how companies and developers can work together to achieve reciprocal growth.
246: Becoming the 'Yes' Person (Sara Chipps)
July 28th, 2017 | Season 7 | 40 mins 22 secs
Chad is joined by Sara Chipps, cofounder of Girl Develop It & CEO of Jewelbots, to discuss integrating with custom hardware, building a community of young coders, working with retailers, and branding.
245: F is for Feelings (Gregg Pollack)
July 13th, 2017 | Season 7 | 55 mins 45 secs
Chad is joined by Code School & Envy Labs founder Gregg Pollack to discuss optimal work environments and building a company to support Open Source Projects.
244: A Fork in the Road (Seth Godin)
July 4th, 2017 | Season 7 | 32 mins 50 secs
Chad is joined by author, blogger, entrepreneur, and marketer Seth Godin to discuss the organizational introspection required to move from the cutting edge to the mainstream.
243: Mostly Local (Mike McKenna)
June 27th, 2017 | Season 7 | 36 mins 45 secs
Chad is joined by Mike McKenna, CEO of Shotgunflat, to discuss cultivating a business in the town in which one grew up, working with family, the effect of adding a sales team to a consultancy, and the legislation of craft-brewing.
242: Too Dressed Up For The Internet (Kim Goulbourne)
June 19th, 2017 | Season 7 | 24 mins 22 secs
Chad is joined by thoughtbot designer Kim Goulbourne to discuss inspiration, side projects, and winning a Webby Award!