Giant Robots Smashing Into Other Giant Robots
209: Playlist Driven Development
September 19th, 2016 | Season 6 | 33 mins 54 secs
On Drip, Derrick deals with a high-bandwidth customer and hires a new devops team member. Meanwhile, Ben brainstorms new pricing structures for Hound.
208: Efficiency Starts With a Haircut
September 12th, 2016 | Season 6 | 40 mins 2 secs
Derrick switches domains from to, begins to update the design of the Drip widget, and tries to find balance in his varying roles as CTO. Ben hands off the reins of Upcase, switches to a low-tech project management solution, and mixes work and personal todos.
207: Database & Queue are Dirty Words (Derrick Reimer)
September 6th, 2016 | Season 6 | 33 mins 21 secs
Ben welcomes guest co-host Derrick Reimer, co-founder of Drip, getting to know his background and products for our first outside-thoughtbot view on SaaS strategy (as well as Ben's arm-twisty methods for getting him on the podcast in the first place)!
206: I'm Glad We Talked About This (Chad Pytel)
August 22nd, 2016 | Season 5 | 47 mins 13 secs
thoughtbot CEO Chad Pytel joins Ben to discuss our recent office closings and reasons necessitating this decision, what this means for the product team, and the future of thoughtbot. Also, a teaser of what to expect next from Giant Robots Podcast.
205: Bottling Calm
August 8th, 2016 | Season 5 | 42 mins 59 secs
Fresh back from vacation, Ben shifts his attention to a Hound project, adding in tiered plans and pricing. Chris begins to build out a drip sequence for content recommendations, prepares to roll off to return to client work, and leaves us with some final reflections, takeaways, and lessons learned while on Upcase.
204: Disinclined, For Simplicity's Sake
August 1st, 2016 | Season 5 | 56 mins 55 secs
Chris delves into marketing mode for the TDD course, removes more client-side analytics code, and starts redesigning the information architecture on Upcase. On FormKeep, Ben alerts users to site down-time, removes all pay-per-form logic from the codebase, and begins to set up trials sans credit-card.
203: Worry Beads on Business Chains
July 25th, 2016 | Season 5 | 45 mins 57 secs
Ben receives some insight on customer referrals for FormKeep, applies his pricing philosophy to Hound, and realizes a personal blind-spot when it comes to customer satisfaction. On Upcase, Chris patches an automated follow-up messaging bug leading to enhanced focus on server-side analytics, welcomes Tyson to the team to begin work on trail mapping course content, and soft launches the Fundamentals of TDD trail.
202: A Full 360
July 18th, 2016 | Season 5 | 41 mins 17 secs
Ben rants about bad jokes on twitter, doesn't ship any improved activation features on FormKeep this week, irons out some bugs on FormLinter, and begins an ad campaign. Chris contemplates shifting Upcase's business model, and walks through the impetus driving this decision.
201: The Difficulty is in Focusing
July 11th, 2016 | Season 5 | 48 mins 34 secs
Ben encounters a downed FormKeep and enables a monitoring service, completes the un-grandfathering process for accounts on old tiers, and begins work on improving activation flow. Chris sends out a survey to users and discovers a shift in the Upcase demographics.
200: Summertime Sadness
July 4th, 2016 | Season 5 | 46 mins 29 secs
Chris digs into the causes for a MRR drop, discovering usage trends with seasonality; and in the process gets a clearer picture of Upcase's user base. Also, he welcome Geoff to the project, and begins a new marketing initiative driven by user testimonials. Ben welcomes Tyson onto team Formkeep to begin redesigning on boarding, and continues FormLinter improvements / marketing.
199: Heartening Frustration
June 27th, 2016 | Season 5 | 51 mins 22 secs
This week, we ruminate on the meta-organization of project management. Ben embraces team feedback on, reaches the end of Formkeep's grandfathered pricing window, and removes sandboxing to streamline plan structures. Chris contemplates Upcase's role as a product within thoughtbot, prepares to welcome on new team members (bye Gabe!), and restructures topic relationships to improve discoverability. Also, the return of Dance Talk!
198: Nailing Down the Why
June 20th, 2016 | Season 5 | 45 mins 28 secs
On Formkeep, Ben launches FormLinter to increase form accessibility and conversions, and looks forward to additional persons on thoughtbot product work. Chris continues marketing of the Bourbon Smash course, wrestles with metrics and analytics, and improves team logins on Upcase.
197: An Engine That Throws Off Money
June 13th, 2016 | Season 5 | 1 hr 8 mins
On Upcase, Chris releases the Bourbon course, restructures how new courses are highlighted, and discusses juggling the various factors that contribute to MRR. Ben takes on-boarding notes from a century old dance school to improve activation on Formkeep.
196: Anecdotal Driven Development
May 30th, 2016 | Season 5 | 49 mins 52 secs
Ben changes product activation flow, possibly for the worse, launches a new UI, and muses on new customer acquisition for Formkeep. On Upcase, Chris starts to see benefits from the domain transition, and brainstorms on how to un-bottleneck course releases.
195: The Storm Before the Calm
May 23rd, 2016 | Season 5 | 1 hr 7 mins
Ben delays a new feature until an easier implementation can be reached, adds additional event tracking for better site usage feedback, takes a medium to large digression to rant about Javascript, and makes headway on Formkeep's UI refactor. On Upcase, Chris steps back from the content spotlight, takes a hit to traffic from the domain transition, and tests all things email.
194: Changing Your Internet Home
May 16th, 2016 | Season 5 | 49 mins
Chris transitions Upcase to for SEO and branding purposes, and introduces reactivate & resubscribe functionality. Ben publishes a blog post on Formkeep's pricing history, optimizes the initial form setup page, and begins work to implement a no credit card up-front trial.