Giant Robots Smashing Into Other Giant Robots

About the show

A podcast about the design, development, and business of great software. Each week thoughtbot is joined by the people who build and nurture the products we love.


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    64: Wistfully Into the Air

    September 1st, 2013  |  Season 2  |  36 mins 18 secs

    In this episode of Giant Robots Ben talks with Des Traynor about intercom, concise communication. blogging and customer outreach.

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    63: Knowledge Bomb!

    August 25th, 2013  |  Season 2  |  48 mins 37 secs

    Ben and Chad discuss mentoring, job hunting tips and FAQ

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    62: Family Business

    August 18th, 2013  |  Season 2  |  31 mins 39 secs

    In this of episode of Giant Robots, Ben speaks with Natalie Nagele and Ilya Sabanin about Wildbit, Beanstalk, and work flow.

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    61: Having the Craic with Paul

    August 11th, 2013  |  Season 2  |  34 mins 56 secs

    In this episode Paul and Ben talk about tito, funconf, and organizing conferences.

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    60: Deep Dive

    August 4th, 2013  |  Season 2  |  34 mins 1 sec

    In this week's episode Ben discusses effective business practices and advice for optimal page design with special guest Patrick McKenzie.

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    59: Nowhere to Hide

    July 28th, 2013  |  Season 2  |  25 mins 52 secs

    In this episode, Ben Orenstein speaks with thoughtbot CTO Joe Ferris about the technical interview process at thoughtbot, and more.

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    58: A Thousand Neckbeards

    July 21st, 2013  |  Season 2  |  31 mins 12 secs

    This week Ben Orenstein, Pat Brisbin, and Mike Burns talk about Haskell, Linux, functional and dynamic programming, Conway's Game of Life, and much more.

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    57: Delayed Gratification

    July 14th, 2013  |  Season 2  |  28 mins 10 secs

    In this episode, Ben Orenstein is joined by Michael Klett, Co-founder and tech lead of Chargify. Ben and Michael discuss the evolution of Chargify and bumps along the way, underwear subscriptions, Michael’s transition from hardware to software, negativity in the Rails community, slow tests, and much more.

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    56: Code in a Bubble Bath

    July 7th, 2013  |  Season 2  |  36 mins 36 secs

    In this episode Ben Orenstein is joined by Alex MacCaw, creator of Spine, formerly of Twitter, and now a developer at Stripe. Ben and Alex talk about travel, writing, code, and couch surfing.

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    55: The Value of Flow

    June 30th, 2013  |  Season 2  |  42 mins 29 secs

    In this episode Ben Orenstein speaks with designer and founder of Authentic Jobs, Cameron Moll, about Authentic Jobs, design, the value of flow and family, and much, much more.

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    54: Build your stuff on the side and have a good time

    June 23rd, 2013  |  Season 2  |  25 mins 22 secs

    In this episode, Ben Orenstein is joined by 17 year old Jack Kaufman, author of The Found a Business Book. Ben and Jack discuss Jack's inspiration for the book and how he got all his interviews, the other opportunities it's led too, the common themes he uncovered in his interviews, the differences between those who got funding and bootstrappers, working on the book while in highschool, marketing he's doing, his plans for the future, the issue with college computer science programs, his fears about the future, and much more.

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    53: Not everything needs to be extracted

    June 16th, 2013  |  Season 2  |  38 mins 29 secs

    In this episode Ben Orenstein is joined by Yehuda Katz and Tom Dale from Tilde. They discuss bootstrapping a business and the model behind Tilde, their breakdown of product development and consulting, and how they all met. They also talk about designing APIs and frameworks that people actually want to use, how teaching helps them be better framework developers, how they can beat the competition, how supporting multiple languages and frameworks can ruin your app's experience, the big surprises as they've launched, Ember.js' push to 1.0 and beyond, the difference between Ember.js and Backbone.js and why JavaScript matters, and much more.

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    52: You look really fancy in your tuxedo

    June 9th, 2013  |  Season 1  |  58 mins 19 secs

    In this special episode, number 52, and our 1 year anniversary episode, recorded at RailsConf 2013, Ben Orenstein is joined by Ruby and Rails core team member Aaron Patterson, thoughtbot CTO Joe Ferris, and a live studio audience. The trio discuss Rails 4, observers, callbacks, dubstep, namespaces, Scheme, functional programming, thread safety in Rails, what it would take to remove callbacks from Rails and why you would want to do it, what should be in our anniversary episode, dealing with Rails security issues, why Aaron likes to work on Rails, meeting people's expectations, Vim, intuitive software, and so much more.

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    51: I found a voice

    June 2nd, 2013  |  Season 1  |  32 mins 50 secs

    On this week's show, recorded at RailsConf 2013, Ben Orenstein is joined by Sandi Metz, developer, author, podcaster, and recent Ruby Hero award winner. Ben and Sandi discuss winning awards, writing, whether notoriety changes who you are, what Sandi is proud of, the bad code she's writing and why, what she's doing now, getting real feedback on your work, that it's OK not to know everything, and much, much more.

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    50: It's Monday today, let's change everything

    May 26th, 2013  |  Season 1  |  43 mins 26 secs

    In this week's episode, recorded at RailsConf 2013, Ben Orenstein is joined by Jeff Casimir and Katrina Owen from Jumpstart Lab and gSchool to discuss performing, speaking, and imposter syndrome, preparing for your talk, and what makes a good talk and how to give one. The also discuss gSchool, the way the program works and they way it's guaranteed, teaching, admitting ignorance, how good practice should be harder than the real thing, and why Jeff didn't like studying Computer Science and why he didn't enjoy programming and how Rails reignited his passion for creating things, and much more.

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    49: The psychology of work

    May 19th, 2013  |  Season 1  |  35 mins 46 secs

    In this episode, recorded at RailsConf 2013, Ben Orenstein is joined by Gregg Pollack and Nathaniel Bibler from EnvyLabs and Gregg shares what he's learned running his business, when not to be transparent, how to deal with compensation, and how the EnvyLabs compensation structure has changed over the years. Nathan, Gregg, and Ben also discuss Code School, yearly payments to a subscription, making courses effective, effective marketing, the effectiveness of mailing lists, community events, shared ownership, and much more.